Sydnee Dallyn - Building a Foundation

Photo: Bryan Krebs
Photo: Bryan Krebs

Program: Bachelor of Science - Physical Education: Sports Studies and Kinesiology 

Sport: Women's Soccer

Position: Midfield & Defence

Being a part of one of the newest teams in the Alberta Colleges Athletics Conference (ACAC) and being the youngest Vikings team, Vikings Women's Soccer and Sydnee Dallyn have been working hard during their time to build a foundation for the teams long term success.

"The women's soccer team is a relatively new program compared to the other schools that we compete against in the ACAC, so we are still in our building stages," says Dallyn. "This comes with challenges and extra pressure on the players, but what I hope that my team and future players know is how honorable it is to be a part of the foundation that we are building for this program. This past year we worked really hard to be a strong presence on the field, not just physically but mentally as well. I hope to leave a legacy of positivity and comradery, as we all worked so hard to create this type of team environment this past season."

Dallyn will cross the stage on Sunday, June 2nd along with other University of Alberta - Augustana students, however, she will be crossing at the second most capped player in Vikings Women's Soccer after lacing up the boots a total of 41 times over four seasons from 2019 to 2024.

Wrapping up her career in the red, black and white, the midfielder and defender is fourth all time in assists and fifth in goals scored and was named to the ACAC All-Confernce team in her rookie season, however, one particular goal stands out above the rest.

"My favorite memory on the soccer pitch was also in my first year. We were playing Olds College for the second time of the season and needed a win as we lost the first match to them," said Dallyn. "To get the team pumped, one of my vets agreed to give $5 to whoever scored the first goal of the game. Another vet doubled that amount if that person was a defender, and then a rookie doubled it again if the goal scorer was also rookie themselves. The game was scoreless until 35 minutes in when I decided to make a run up the field from my position of fullback. I connected give and go's with my teammates until I found myself in front of the net, where I placed the ball in the bottom right corner. That was my first ACAC goal and I am still waiting on receiving some of my winnings!"

Having ended her classes in the Fall, Dallyn has kept busy. Moving back to her hometown of Calgary, Alberta, she has been coaching and continuing to play soccer on a women's team all while working as a physiotherapy assistant and at a golf course.

"My plan is to take some time off from school, continue working and hopefully get some traveling in," adds Dallyn. "Further down the road, I can see myself going into a career that focuses around helping athletes, as I love being a part of the sporting community."

As for her advice to other student-athletes as they continue their post-secondary careers or are just getting started, Dallyn encourages them to rely on their teammates.

"Being a student-athlete can be difficult at times and very hard to juggle, but there is a whole entire team that is doing it with you.," Dallyn emphasized. "I would tell any rookie that is nervous about starting this chapter of their lives to learn from your vets because they have been where you are now and are where you are going to be in the future. To all students, I would say to enjoy this time while you are in it, enjoy the late night study sessions, the vikings playoffs games in the gym, and all that Augustana has to offer because it will be the best four (and a half) years of your life."

Join Sydnee and other Vikings graduates on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 2:30pm at the Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre. For more information visit