Allyson Hamilton
Allyson Hamilton
Year: 2
Hometown: Taber, Alberta
High School: W.R. Myers High School
Position: Third
Major: Biology

Allyson Hamilton is from Taber, Alberta  and is in her 2nd year playing with the Vikings, with her primary position being third. She is enrolled in a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Biology and one day hopes to be employed. As a returning player, Allyson hopes that her team will be able to win an ACAC banner for Augustana. When Allyson is not in the curling rink you can find her procrastinating. Her favourite movie is any marvel movie, her favourite television show is the office and her favourite food is red peppers. One of her favourite inspirational quotes is: “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky” - Michael Scott. Allyson’s sister is former Viking Holly Hamilton, who graduated last year.