Coach McManus brings giving traditions to Augustana Soccer

Coach McManus brings giving traditions to Augustana Soccer

The Men and Women's soccer teams got together this week in the Athletics Lounge to support Operation Christmas Child. Together, they put together shoeboxes to be sent to third world countries for children to have something to open on Christmas morning. The players all brought in bags full of little gifts and had a great time working together in the spirit of giving. The Christmas season was in the air! In total they filled 45 boxes.

"We actually ran out of the shoeboxes so my wife went out and brought back more," said Men's Soccer Head Coach, Tom McManus. "It was a great project and showed everyone that a little thing such as this will bring great joy to numerous children. Both teams enjoyed the experience. As a coach I am very proud of both teams who not only gave their time but came in with more presents than I ever thought they would. A huge thank you to everyone involved in this very worthwhile project."

Coach McManus and his wife, Pat, have been coordinating Operation Christmas Child projects with Tom's past teams over the years. "We're delighted that they've shared this generous community exercise with us at Augustana," says Athletic Director, Greg Ryan. "We're proud to have the Vikings continue this tradition."