Emily McIlroy
Emily McIlroy
Year: 3

I am a 3 rd year Global and Development Studies major with plans to travel the world to wherever my barefoot feet take me.
My brother calls me a great big colourful mess as I can be spotted by my bright green tuque and other assorted un matching clothing gems.
This year my tuque will be a mere blur, as I plan on running and skiing faster than any Viking right back to the first settlers ever has.
If I am not in class or skiing/running I can probably be found at the local crematorium in a cute little box.
 My favourite food are Spanish Paraguayos "YUM YUM!" As Blackadder says.
My favourite quote goes out to Blackadder:
Captain Blackadder: Yes, it's not the only thing that is "very small indeed". Your brain for example- is so minute, Baldrick, that if a hungry cannibal cracked your head open, there wouldn't be enough to cover a small water biscuit.
Sometimes school makes me feel very safe from cannibals.
I came to Augustana because I wanted to enlarge my brain to cover many water biscuits and a Viking so that my tuque can go as fast as previously mentioned.
My family acknowledgements: Well b'y they are all pretty best kind sure. Nutting like 'em. Going home is boot camp. Christmas with the McIlroys is enough to make anyone fit and ready for the ski season.