Samuel Kohlmann
Samuel Kohlmann
Year: 1

Samuel Kohlmann is a 4th year Business Management major from Racine, Wisconsin

He chose his major with plans of traveling the world and then starting his own business after eventually having a career as an owner and investor. If he could meet one person, he would chose Martin Luther King Jr to hear his thoughts on the USA and the world right now and how we can solve the issues that face us. As an athlete, Sam’s biggest influence is his grandpa, who is his “man in the corner and personal coach. He inspires me to strive personally and be a team player.” This season his goal is to run at provincials and complete the 31km Birkiebiener. His most memorable sports moment was his first university ski race at Vermillion. “It was extremely icy and the head of their ski club was in the hospital for injuring himself earlier that week by hitting a tree on the trail. My eyes were freezing shut by the time I came to a sign that said 1 km.”

When not in class, Sam likes to spend time on campus talking to people, and call his family because they are so far away. He enjoys cooking and is a first degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do. His favourite book is To Kill a Mockingbird.