Augustana Hosts Grand Prix #5

Augustana Hosts Grand Prix #5

Augustana is set to host the final cross country running race in the ACAC Running Room Grand Prix Series on Saturday, October 14. The Augustana race is one of the premier cross country races in the province. All of the ACAC teams will be competing in final preparations for the ACAC Championship races in Red Deer on October 28. In addition the Augustana race draws some of the top open runners in the province and has even attracted Olympians.

The Augustana men's team is currently ranked 6th in the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association (CCAA) and the women's team is in a close battle for one of the five ACAC qualifying spots for the CCAA National Championship Race that will be hosted by Collège Lionel-Groulx on November 11.

The races will be based out of the Stoney Creek Centre 5320-40 Avenue. The ACAC Women and Open 6 km race starts at 12 noon and the ACAC Men and Open 8 km gun goes at 1 pm. The races are open to any interested runner. They are also wonderfully exciting and spectator-friendly to watch with the runners in view for significant parts of the race. Complete information can be found at