Chelsea Cook
Chelsea Cook
Year: 2
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Major: Chemistry

I am working towards a science degree with a major in Environmental Science and a minor in Physical Education. Though currently unsure of what I hope to achieve through this degree, I would like to obtain a job that keeps me active and outside, perhaps with Parks Canada. This is my second year with the Augustana Vikings x-country running team, as well as the indoor track team. I'm excited to be back on the teams, there's great support and encouragement between all the members, and it's always a fun time! When I'm not busied by my studies and training, I like to head to the mountains to hike with friends, or spend time here in Camrose with my roommates. My favourite books (so far) are from the Inheritance Cycle, and in my opinion, Lord of the Rings is by far the best movie ever made (with Hunt for the Wilderpeople being close behind). My favourite quote is too long to add here (Burning Out by Edward Abbey), but I will add that I am very excited to be a part of the running teams again! Here's to a great year, Go Vikings Go!