Joseph Sartison
Joseph Sartison
Year: 3
Hometown: Saskatoon, SK
Major: Physical Education

Joe is from Saskatoon, SK and is in his 3rd year racing with the Vikings on both the Cross-Country Running and Skiing teams.  He is enrolled in the B.A. in Phys Ed program and Outdoor Education stream. Through this program he one day hopes to work in the field of wilderness and adventure therapy.  As a returning racer, Joe hopes to have a personal best season and compete in CCAAs in Toronto this November.

When Joe is not on the trails you can find him lost in the woods wondering what happened to the trail.  His favorite book is Where the Wild Things Are, his favorite movies are the ones he doesn’t sleep through and his favorite food is soup.

One of his favorite inspirational quotes is “Do or do not; there is no try.” - Yoda